
What does a relational orientation offer for the future development of governance ? an online international symposium, inviting a small number of scholars and practitioners whose work centrally bears on these issues, to explore the implications and potentials of relational process in governance.

introductory sequence featuring the participants of the symposium

watch any/all of the Symposium 2021 playlist now on youtube

Concept paper and questions considered during the International Symposium held online 6th & 7th of May 2021

  1. What does a relational orientation offer for the future development of governance, from the local, regional, to the national, international and trans-national level?

  2. Bearing on issues in governance, are there significant differences among theories of relational process, with implications for governance?

  3. What particular practices of relating might be recognized as positive contributions to governance? How can we best understand their functioning? How might governance be enriched by practices of relating?

  4. What are the major impediments to effective relational process? How are they overcome?

  5. With relational process as a centre-piece, how are we to conceive of leadership? What practices would be invited?
